افاق للعلوم
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 56-62

عيون الشعر العربي القديم

الكاتب : سعود مريم .


Our ancestors letf us a great ancient arabe poetry it presents an artistic ,historical, civilized, social, psychological and litteral value. Poetry is the register of arabes . it was kept first in minds and orally transmitted. After it was wintten in books according to criteria set by specialists such as referring poens to their poet , precision in it, they were sometimes interested in quantity and other times in quality . sometimes typology was objective and other times , it was subjective. they preserved our poetry that is very ancient for more than fourteen centuries . It is still among us , telling us about our ancertors, their lives, their behaviour, peace, war, clothes, food, habits, customs and way of thinking.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Ancient arabic poetry - its quantity- its quality – poetic – ressources – collection and writing criteria – accuracy – inquiry tast.