IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 30-44

Les Traces Du Roman Familial Dans Les œuvres Maghrébines D'expression Française Et D'inspiration Autobiographique

Auteurs : Benali Souâd .


The traces of the family romance in the works of French-speaking Maghreb and autobiographical Through some North African works, we'll see how to express the "family romance " in the imagination of a young narrator-character, then how all social dynamics (educational activities, the environment or the social environment "attendance street first significant experiences etc. .... " and work done by the character itself on itself, seeking to give a place for this individual in difficulty in the construction of identity within a society. Maghreb works selected for this study were all some common points: These are so-called emigration novels, autobiographical inspiration - The main protagonist is a character-narrator male - Dissatisfied with his lot, the character reinvents a narrative (fictional creation of a faculty) - The character (is) tells his stories and his sublime misery - The protagonist describes the vagaries of life, constantly suffering and is sidelined and recreated a group membership (alleged hostility of the parents or at least generational conflict)

Mots clés

Family romance, French-speaking, Maghreb,