Traduction et Langues
Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 118-125

Feste Phrasen

Auteurs : Centre Universitaire De Ain Témouchent Bahi Amar Abdelkader .


According to Harald Burger, fixed phrases are defined as less fixed phraseologisms compared to the topical formulas (Burger, 2007:37). Fixed phrases include most, but also the most well-known, categories in the phraseological field, such as short forms, which are considered the shortest phraseologisms and usually appear as one-word lexemes such as "Metze", twin formulas consisting of two words of the same part of speech such as Ach and Krach , idioms such as blaming someone, proverbial idioms defined as incomplete but meaningful statements, winged words such as the tree of knowledge (Bible) and if God did not exist, one would have to invent him (Voltaire), proverbs (Wellerisms), the anonymous proverbs are formulated in a funny and ironic way, e.g. All beginnings are difficult, said the thief, then he stole an anvil.

Mots clés

Phraseology, phraseologisms, idiomatic expressions, idioms, idioms, proverbs, fixed phrases