La revue de la Communication et du Journalisme
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 15-38

الاعلام الجديد، مبادئ المفهوم

Authors : الحاج سالم عطية .


This paper is part of the literature aimed at trying to extrapolate a number of references that tried to explore, and clarify the concept of new media. And its relationship to modern technologies, and to try to identify the most important sources of the new concept. And the most prominent references, with the aim of coming out with a clear vision on the concept of new media, in light of the existing differences concepts. Then to discuss one of the most important points related to the new media and we mean here in particular the basic principles that underpin it and allow him to acquire a number of characteristics that make it distinguished all the excellence from the old media.


الإعلام الجديد، الآنية، التمثيل الرقمي، التفاعلية.