مجلة العلوم الإنسانية
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 249-270

سيميائية الخطاب المرئي دراسة في الأبعاد الدلالية للصورة السينمائية

الكاتب : بلخيري رضوان .


Semiotic visual discourse Study in the semantic dimensions of the cinematic image The aim of this study research in the effectiveness of'' semiotic's film'' in the development of creative ability and semantic, by exposing and exploring the relationships Results are not visible through the manifestation of the direct image film, and training on the production of passive, do not just simply designate areas or general areas that reflect the content of image. There is no doubt that the semiotics are affected significantly the character the receiver and of the circumstances surrounding it, so the semiotics of the image; may vary from one person to another and from one region to another, from one time period to another, and thus fertile ground for the development of creativity, and therefore there is a meaning lies within the text and events facts and visual; as it does not seem visible, it needs to effort and scanning, and the greater the degree of reflection in the text visible results have been more creative, and to meditate here is linked to the ability of the learner to understand and predict the dimensions associated with the sense it extends beyond the text visual (image) visual.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Semiotic visual discourse ; semantic dimensions ; cinematic image