FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 54-82

كلّيات التّعلّم السّلوكي

الكاتب : بوساحة فريدة .


This article deals with learning from a behaviourist perspective. Though psychological schools and pedagogical trends such as communicative and cognitive teaching have criticized it, it still plays a great part in the teaching field. Thanks to it, programmed teaching spread in conjunction with scientific computer studies. It also triggers autodidactic and electronic learning. The resistance of this trend could be due to its scientific physiological, biological, and computational foundations, as well as to the spread of structuralism for a long time. This didactic trend is based on repetition, reinforcement, and stimulus – response relationship

الكلمات المفتاحية

التعلم السلوكي، البرمجة وتسطير الأهداف، التعلّم الذاتي، التقييم الذاتي.