مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 4, Numéro 13, Pages 282-300
الكاتب : بليل محمد .
Historical writing of the historian Sheikh Abu al-Qasim Saadallah About self- affection and historical truth Abu Al-Qasim sadullah is a famous Algerian historian, He is of the research teacher who wrote about the history and heritage of Algeria over the ages, particularly modern and contemporary periods, His historical writing is marked by his seriousness. He followed the scientific academic method. We will try in this modest study, to highlight the characteristics of historical writing of Sheikh, and we Stated his scientific legacy of intellectual and literary heritage and historical for Algerian school and for future generations.
Historical;writing ;Abu al-Qasim Saadallah ;history; Algeria ; scientific
محمد بلبل
ص 51-65.
محمد الأمين بلغيث
ص 27-46.
هزبري عبد الرزاق
بن موسى موسى
ص 174-192.
شرف عبد الحق
ص 153-162.
حاج عبد القادر يخلف
ص 312-327.