أبحاث إقتصادية معاصرة
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 49-60

The Role Of The Ordinary Court In Protecting The Principle Of Freedom Of Competition In Algeria

Authors : Atmani Ali .


Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that Algeria has witnessed significant reforms in the economic and financial sectors, particularly after the promulgation of Law No. 88-01 on January 12, 1988, which included the directory law for public economic institutions aiming to abandon the previously prevailing socialist system. This became evident after the 1989 Constitution, which marked Algeria's shift towards a market economy that encourages individual initiatives. In order to preserve and promote competition within the framework of a market economy and ensure the general economic order, the Algerian legislator established the Competition Council under the Order 95-06 dated on January 25, 1995 (annulled). To further strengthen the principle of freedom of competition and establish its foundations, the Order n° 03-03 on competition was issued, which introduced various administrative bodies and judicial entities dedicated to protecting competition. Based on these grounds, we aim to illustrate the role of the ordinary court in protecting the principle of freedom of competition in Algeria


Keywords: Freedom of Competition. The Ordinary Court .Algeria