Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 214-230

Fragrance Of The Past: An Exploration Of The Aesthetics Of Olfaction And Olfactory Autobiographical Recall In Erica Bauermeister’s The Scent Keeper

Authors : Kohil Mouna . Mokeddem Hayat .


The present article addresses the relationship between smell and emotive bibliographical recall in Erica Bauermeister’s The Scent Keeper. Relying on an interdisciplinary backdrop that gathers perspectives from anthropology, neuroscience, psychology, and criticism, the article aims to negotiate the importance of the long-ignored sense of smell to place it front and centre as a pivotal sensory source that enriches events in the narrative. In addition, it strives to examine the resurrection of childhood memories through familiar aromas and how these fragrance-cued autobiographical instances influence the protagonist’s emotional affect, mood, and behaviour. The findings of this research have shown that scents are able to conjure vivid childhood recollections which are emotive and immersive. Accordingly, olfaction can be interpreted as an alternative sensory modality to sight and hearing which can ultimately affect personal experiences in the narrative.


olfaction ; smell ; memory ; autobiographical recall