مجلة أنثروبولوجية الأديان
Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 196-208

Sufi Practices In The Islamic Society - Concepts And Meanings

Authors : Haddi Noura .


Abstract: Sufism, as a phenomenon, manifests a universal human tendency that has manifested across diverse cultures to varying degrees. At its core, it embodies the pursuit of spiritual fulfilment and the relinquishment of ephemeral worldly pleasures. Sufism aspires to transcend material cravings, striving for spiritual purity and the attainment of inner contentment. Within the Muslim context, this inclination towards spiritual dimensions has never been forsaken. Instead, it has led individuals to embrace the realms of spiritual practice, renouncing materialistic pursuits in favour of seeking elevated spiritual states. Nonetheless, the specific characteristics of Sufism vary across societies due to the distinct beliefs inherent to each community. In Islamic societies, Sufism stands as an extension of religious teachings, deeply rooted in the foundational values of the faith. It finds its origins in the path of renunciation set forth by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his companions, and the generations of righteous individuals who followed.


Keywords: Practices, Sufism, Islamic society, concepts, meanings.