التكامل الاقتصادي
Volume 11, Numéro 5, Pages 168-187
Authors : Amghar Malek .
This article aims to analyse the context of the setting up university incubators in Algeria and their contribution to the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. The study shows that since the establishment of incubators in all Algerian universities, followed by the promulgation of Decree n°1275 on “a diploma - a startup, a diploma - a patent of invention”, an entrepreneurial atmosphere and an enthusiasm to undertake projects registered within the university community has been unprecedented, thanks to several innovative projects submitted within the support structures. The results of the survey of a sample of project leaders from the University of Bejaia have made it possible to identify seven dimensions of expectations which clearly show the needs and the difficulties which could constitute the orientations of the incubators in terms of services likely to meet the different expectations expressed by project leaders.
incubator ; startup ; accompaniement ; project ; entrepreneurial spirit
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Redouane Adel
Mighri Zouhayer
pages 347-357.
Gherbi Laid
pages 451-468.
عسلي نورالدين
سالم يوسف
بن مداني مهدي
ص 71-90.