Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 394-408

The Inclusion Of Taboo Topics In Children Literature Bridge To Terabithia By Katherine Paterson As A Case Study

Authors : Houari Rayhane . Hadjoui Ghouti .


This paper aims to give an account of the inclusion of taboo topics in children literature. This is going to be explored through the novel Bridge to Terabithia (1977) by Katherine Paterson who incorporated topics that are traditionally considered difficult for the juvenile reader; like the use of swear words and discussing the topic of death. Accordingly, the study throws light upon this phenomenon and whether it is suitable for children to be exposed to such an inappropriate language and to face such challenging issues. The results display that teaching children how to deal with sensitive issues helps in their growing up and the profane language does not always act in deviation but also serves a stylistic effect in the story.


Swear Words ; Death ; Children Literature ; Iappropriate Language; Stylistic Effect