مجلة الاقتصاد والتنمية المستدامة
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 1266-1287

Evaluating The Combination Of Agriculture And Industry Sectors In The Province Of Bouira (north Algeria)

Authors : Lamri Naziha . Belayadi َamna . Abbas Faiza .


Bouira is one of the Algerian states that has witnessed development in all fields during the last decade. After the isolation and economic and social impotence of the 1990s, Indeed, the area of agricultural land amounts to 66% of its total area. Every year, the state achieves agricultural production that meets local and even national demand. This is thanks to the natural qualifications consisting of a temperate climate and hydrographic network as well as human potential. We used field investigation and data analysis by using geographical systems from maps and graphs. We have shown that the local and national authorities have recently encouraged the development of industry in the state through the expansion of industrial real estate, the creation of an industrial park in Dira and the expansion of the industrial area in Oued El Bardi, with the aim of achieving social and economic development in the state and achieving sustainable development.


Agriculture ; industrial park ; activity zones ; agro-industrial area ; Bouira