مجلة العلوم الانسانية
Volume 22, Numéro 1, Pages 1626-1647

The Impact Of Teacher Corrective Feedback Practices On Efl Learners’ Writing Performance Improvement.

Authors : Sahki Toufaha . Chelli Madjda .


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of various teacher corrective feedback practices (explicit, implicit, explicit with implicit and no feedback) on EFL learners' writing performance amelioration. An experiment was conducted with fourty first-year Master EFL students at Souk Ahras universty. The quantitative analysis of the obtained results proved that the different studied corrective feedback practices significantly ameliorate learners’ writing in comparison with no feedback. Explicit feedback group acheived the most sutisfying results in the short-run, while the combination of explicit with implicit feedback is the most effective type of feedback for long-run utility of corrections.


Explicit feedback ; Implicit feedback ; Error Correction ; Writing performance ; English as foreign langauge Teahing