Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 229-244

From Traditional Grammar Translation Method To Translation Teaching: The Emergence Of An Independent Didactic Discipline

Authors : Madoui Saoussen .


The present paper purports to explain the roots of grammar translation method and its relations to translation teaching as practiced today. In the first part, the discussion unfolds with an overview of grammar translation method, its principles, advantages, weaknesses and its revival later on. In the second part, the evolution of grammar translation method into translation teaching per se is brought to the fore and Cay Dollerup’s model of generational development of teachers is introduced to explain the development of assumptions about translation in general and translation teaching in particular. The two parts are related in that both serve as a thread to link between the two disciplines and draw certain logic in the explanation of the multifarious information available on this history which is felt to be scanty at times and scattered at other times.


grammar translation method, historical roots, teaching translation, generational progression.