Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 91-108

Development And Psychometric Properties Of Major Negative Interpersonal Events Measurement For Adolescents

Authors : Aburezeq Khalil .


The research on finding out recent measurements/scales/inventories/questionnaires on major negative interpersonal events revealed a paucity of such instruments. The study aimed to develop and check the psychometric properties of a newly developed measurement; Major Negative Interpersonal Events Measurement (MNIE-M). To develop the MNIE-M, the researchers reviewed the previous instruments in this regard. Then, the MNIE-M contained 29 events that were distributed under five factors as follows: Family-related events, classmates-related events, student direct-related events, teachers-related events, and friends-related events. The MNIE-M was administered to a sample of 49 adolescents whose ages (12, 15, and 18) years old. As for the psychometric properties, the researchers used the following: For validity, we used: Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Structure Validity. For reliability, we used Cronbach's alpha, Split Half Method, and KMO and Bartlett's Test. The study revealed proper psychometric properties that make the MNIE-M is well-developed. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was high in all of the items, Structure Validity showed high values in each factor. Cronbach's alpha was (.898), a very high value. Split Half Method revealed (.826) for the first part, and .782 for the second part – high values. KMO and Bartlett's Test was .599 - an acceptable value.


Major, negative, interpersonal, events, adolescents