Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 1-19

The Psychometric Properties For The Arabic Version Of The Questionnaire Of Adolescents' Negative Orientation Of Social Problem (negori)

Authors : Aburezeq Khalil . Kasik László .


Abstract: Due to the lack of Arabic version of the questionnaires concerning negative orientation of social problem solving, the study mainly aimed to validate an Arabic version of NEGORI, a questionnaire for measuring the negative orientation of social problems among adolescents. The Arabic version of NEGORI was administered to a sample of (49) adolescents and whose ages (12, 15, and 18) years old in Palestine. The researchers used the following for validation: For validity, we used Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Structure Validity. For reliability, we used Cronbach's Alpha, Split Half Method, and KMO and Bartlett's Test. The study found that the Arabic version of NEGORI was proper and all of the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) were high. It was revealed that Pearson Correlation Coefficient was high in all items. Structure Validity showed high values in each factor. Cronbach's alpha for the whole items was (.924), a very high value, and Cronbach's alpha for the whole groups was (.903). Split Half Method revealed (.861) for the first part and (.844) for the second part - (both of the two values were high). Spearman-Brown Coefficient was (.951). Guttman Split-Half Coefficient was (.947). Finally, the KMO and Bartlett's Test was (.699).


Adolecsents ; Negative Orientation ; Psychometric Properties ; Social Problem