les cahiers du mecas
Volume 17, Numéro 3, Pages 1-17

Consumer Resistance To Television Advertising In The Event Of Perceived Congestion

Authors : Tabet Aoul Khadidja Imene . Benhabib Abderrezzak .


The objective of this research is to determine the nature of the relationship between three variables: the level of perceived advertising congestion, negative attitude towards TV advertising, and manifestations of resistance to TV advertising. The study was carried out in Algeria (city of Tlemcen) over a sample of 406 individuals aged between 15 and 69 years, including 202 women and 204 men, 275 academics and 131 non-academics. We opted for structural equation modeling (PLS) in our analysis. The results obtained showed that the level of perceived advertising congestion (clutter) directly and negatively influences the attitude towards TV advertising and directly and positively influences manifestations of resistance to TV advertising.


advertising congestion ; perception ; attitude towards TV advertising ; manifestations of resistance