les cahiers du mecas



The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS", “Management des Entreprises et du CApital Social”, Management of Enterprises and Social CApital of the laboratory MECAS at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Tlemcen, was launched in April 2005. Through the variety of subjects treated in three languages (Arabic, French and English), the review expects to lay a dynamic research groundwork in order to be part of a process of positive and constructive change for the Algerian University The objective is to make Algerian scientific production visible and accessible on a national and international scale. At first it was an annual review, but from 2016 it has become biannual with two issues per year, one in June and the other in December; each one contains between 20 and 40 articles. The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS" covers different research themes such as poverty analysis, Islamic economy, informal economy, Marketing and communication, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic engineering, managerial economics, as well as other research issues related to social capital. It aims to promote and disseminate original and innovative research work in most areas of economics and management. It hopes to set a benchmark for researchers and academics, leaders and managers of private and public organizations, professionals and experts, institutional actors at the national and international level, to help them sharpen their decision making process. It is available free online and each issue is printed by a publishing house with a financial support from the university. It is an academic journal with a national and international scientific committee, an editorial board and scientific directors.




السلام عليكم


تعلن  هيئة تحرير مجلة MECAS :

عن اصدار عددين في السنة :

- عدد شهر جوان يكون باللغة الانجليزية   و يكون استقبال المقالات من 25 الى 30 مارس

- عدد شهر ديسمبر يكون بعدة لغات و يكون الاستقبال من 25 الى 30 سبتمبر 


نذكر أن استقبال المقالات بالنسبة للأساتذة والباحثين من خارج الجزائر مفتوح على مدار السنة .

شكرا لتفهمكم ولكم خالص التقدير

هيئة تحرير مجلة MECAS












