La Revue des Sciences Commerciales
Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 29-54

L’universite Face Aux Defis De L’apprentissage En Ligne : Approche De La Conduite Du Changement

Auteurs : Hadbi Atika . Hadid Noufeyle .


During the last years, the Algerian Government invested heavily in implementing the system of e-leaning in support of classroom learning to exploit the potentials of eLearning in higher education. However, after 10 years since the launching of the project in Algeria, we still don’t see any prosperous eLearning landscape in the Algerian universities. The Question is Why? In effect, the e-learning by its nature introduces changes that are not welcomed by everyone within the organization. Within this context, e-learning seems to have a lot to do with change management.

Mots clés

E-learning, higher education, organizational change, change management. I