جسور المعرفة
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 713-722

Linguistic Hybridity In Gloria Anzaldua's Borderlands/la Frontera : The New Mestiza

Authors : Rebaa Djawida .


The present study is principally intended to examine one of the pertinent issues that constitutes some of the innovative concepts in Western thought . It seeks to cast light on one of the most influential and widely read literary creations produced by a border writer . As a Mexican American writer , Gloria Anzaldua ( 1942-2004) is a product of two bordering cultures and linguistic backgrounds , she made a fantastic use of a powerful instrument to voice the marginalized individuals torn between two worlds .As a matter of fact, Anzaldua’s style is one of a medley of genres . Indeed Gloria Anzaldua’s book of Borderlands/La Frontera : The New Mestiza moves between different types of written expression adding a level of hybrid complexity . This study explores the strategic use of blending different languages together in one single piece of art .


Bilingualism ; Borderlands ; Dividing lines ; Gloria Anzaldua ; Hybridity