Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 188-189

Language Conflict In Algeria: From Colonialism To Post-independence: Book Review

Authors : Mammeri Sofiane .


Benrabah’s Language Conflict in Algeria: From Colonialism to PostIndependence (2013) is an outstanding book in the Anthropological/Contact Linguistics and the Sociolinguistics of Algeria. Through his book, he could successfully and rigorously deliver a historical and sociolinguistic description and draw a vivid portrait of Algeria from the early days of French colonialism to nowadays post-independence (modern) Algeria. Appreciably, the publication of the volume came with the celebration of the fiftieth independence day of Algeria (1962-2012). Noticeably, for a Professor of Linguistics, the sociolinguistic situation and the language policy/politics in Algeria are at the core of his text. Linguistically, it is written in highly academic English including many specific concepts that describe best ‘l’Algérie Profonde’. Notably, the author built his book on five chapters preceded by a prologue and followed by an epilogue, presented in a logical and chronological order regarding the linguistic and cultural issues and developments in Algeria.


colonialism, Language conflict, post-independence