Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 213-225

Oranees’ Interdental Realisation In The Reading Of The Holy Koran

Authors : Labed Zohra .


Reading the Koran is a holy task performed by Muslims worldwide. Koran readers are required to have a good control of its rules and regulations: No alterations or modifications are allowed at any linguistic level. A number of our recorded interviews in Oran speech community reveal that young Oranees, who are majorly Muslims, opt for the dental plosive pronunciation of interdental sibilants in their daily Arabic speech. This paper tackles the kind of phonetic behavior adopted by these speakers when they read the Koran: is their interdental sibilant articulation maintained or do they extend their use of dental plosives to this sacred context? To provide a tentative answer to this question, a rapid and anonymous survey is supplied and used among Oranees at the university level. The objective behind this examination is to provide the computer scientist with some necessary linguistic tools to undertake the Koranic automatic translation.


Interdental Realisation - the Reading - the Holy Koran