حوليات الآداب واللغات
Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 194-221

شخصيات القهر النسقي في السرد الروائي

الكاتب : خليل دكتور لؤي .


It is self-evident that the human literature has seen a variety of codification sought to represent the conflicts between Countryside and City, but what this study refers to relates to a clash, caused by the entry of a compulsive force —authority — which played a major role in mixing the papers, fuelling the conflict between Countryside and City, because of its adoption of one another, and pushing (neighbors) into social civil and urban violence. At this moment, when the authority adopted the rural pattern, a conflict began between it and the civil pattern. This was evident in the reactions of the civic figures against the cultural oppression exercised, by the authority towards their civil pattern, which are different in their direction and severity. The choice of narrative texts to be a field for such a study builds on the conviction that such studies bring closer to understanding the nature of the transformations that have befallen the characters of the city's society before the Arab Spring revolutions, and were a prelude to their reactions during and after the revolutions, the lives of the characters on paper in narrative spaces are not really but a manifestation of their life in real life spaces.

الكلمات المفتاحية

القهر النسقي ; التحيزات الثقافية ; السرد ; الشخصيات المدنية ; النسق الريفي