FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 72-86

Feasibility And Evaluation Of Project Work In Efl At Secondary School

Authors : Hamada Hacène .


The adoption of a competency based approach in teaching/learning English as a foreign language entails the direct application of Project Work as a tool for competency development and evaluation. Project work, in essence, helps learners gain practice, achievement and autonomy in learning tasks. The present paper relies on teachers’ own conception, practice, and evaluation of the feasibility and evaluation of project work inside and outside classroom settings of secondary school to show that despite the theoretical positive attributes assigned to project work, its practical process does not provide the expected results. The study determines that the application of project work- in a context where English is not a second language- does not help learners develop the expected competencies. Hence, methodological and realistic materials and media are suggested to give project work the role it deserves and assumes. Main Issue and key terms: competencies, project work, learner autonomy, evaluation.


learner -competencies-evaluation –project work –evaluation – autonomy.