Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 335-351

Language And Modern Man: Harold Pinter’s Drama (a Philosophical Approach)

Authors : Bahous Abbès .


Pinter's plays came almost after the Angry Theatre had fully settled on the English stage. The 'Angries' were angry with what the theatre was doing rather than focus on life around them. Whereas the Theatre of the Absurd had already been a reality in France, it was still adjusting itself to public assimilation in Great-Britain. The new era on the British stage did not in fact come with the 'Angries' but with Beckett's Waiting for Godot, presented in London in 1956, and which Martin Esslin called the Theatre of the Absurd.


Language - Modern Man - Harold Pinter’s Drama