الحوار المتوسطي
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 150-162
الكاتب : فاطمة درعي .
Mascara is considered the capital of capitals of science and culture in the modern era, and a beacon for science and a popular destination for students from around the country of Morocco areas thanks to the revival of the culture in which the emergence of a significant number of esteemed scientists who enriched the cultural and scientific life in the camp, which managed so that occupy a cultural niche prominent especially during the Ottoman era, a private in the period when it was the capital of Beilek the West since the days of the Bey Mustafa Bouchlaghem, that took the cultural prestige due to the role of Bey Muhammad El –Kebir which is one of the most prominent Beys who have contributed to creating a dynamic culture within Algerian society, and who were interested in cultural production which has grown on his watch movement authoring Among the most prominent scholars who lived through the period of Bey Muhammad big world, "Mustafa Ibn Zarfah Aldhaoui " His trip.
Mustafa Ibin Zarfah Aldhaoui -Bey Muhammad El Kebir - capital of science The tri- Beyi Ottoman.
تقي الدين بوكعبر
ص 413-438.