Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 157-172

اختلاف المذاهب في رؤية الله تعالى يوم القيامة

الكاتب : هديل علي قاسم مدرس مساعد .


Research Summary The subject of different doctrines in the vision of God is one of the important topics of the Muslim scholars, where this study included a statement of the views of the doctrines in terms of passport and abstention, which are three main doctrines. As the owners of the first doctrine to refrain from seeing God, based on this opinion to a number of evidence of the transition and mental ones, saying: (do not realize the sight and he knows the eyes). The second doctrine has gone to abstain from the narration of God in the Hereafter, citing a number of transport and mental evidence from it. The meaning of the verse is " And Abaza). Either the third doctrine has proven the vision of God in the Hereafter, relying on their opinion of the evidence of the Quran and Sunnah and consensus, including the words of God and faces of that day Nadra * to the Lord Naqrah. And the owners of this doctrine are the Sunnis and the group of companions and followers and those who follow them. The research is based on the correct view, but the third doctrine is the permissibility of Allaah . Key words : God's vision, doctrines, dogmas

الكلمات المفتاحية

مذاهب ; رؤية الله ; ي ; م القيامة