الآداب و اللغات



Al Àdab wa Llughat is a scholarly journal issued twice a year by the faculty of Foreign Languages- Algiers 2 University. . Its major goal is to provide students and researchers with articles of international standards with the concern with scientific rigor. The articles it publishes present original insights into fields of languages, linguistics, literature and civilization, language teaching in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. It aims at integrating articles in other languages such as Russian and Turkish. All submitted articles are evaluated through double-blind peer-reviewing by a an editorial board including experts from several institutions around the world. The contributions go through revisions and editing with the suggestions made by reviewers and sent to the authors through the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform. The journal has an online version and one in print. Al Àdab wa Llughat -Lettres et Langues- est une revue éditée par la Faculté des Langues Étrangères de l'université d'Alger 2. Sa première publication remonte à l'année 2006. Son objectif principal est de mettre à la disposition des lecteurs des articles aux normes internationales dans un souci de rigueur scientifique. Deux fois par an, notre revue ouvre ses colonnes aux enseignants chercheurs. Elle publie des articles originaux dans le domaine des langues, des lettres et de la civilisation, rédigés dans une des langues enseignées à la faculté des langues étrangères, à savoir : l'allemand, l'anglais, l'espagnol, le français et l'italien . Dans un proche avenir , la revue envisage d'intégrer d'autres langues étrangères comme le russe et le turc. Toutes les propositions d'articles sont évaluées en double aveugle par un comité de lecture composé d'experts nationaux et internationaux de haut niveau. Les contributions retenues font l'objet de révisions qui seront par la suite soumises aux auteurs. Notre revue se lit en ligne et sur papier.







The Cinematic Landscape of the Americanisation Strategy in Hollywood: Americanisation, Popular Culture and Minorities Representation.

Amirat Mohamed Charaf Eddine, 

Résumé: This paper intends to focus on the conception of Americanisation through a cinematic portrayal. The American cultural customs promoted in Hollywood movies may label a cunning ideology of steering global audiences and communities. The ubiquitous occurrence of American popular culture in movies can be a disruptive factor in expunging cultural distinctiveness outside the United States of America. In addition, the American predominance as a global power and the English language expansion all over the world made it easier to influence a larger audience. Moreover, movies industry tends to edit cultural aspects of the other to accommodate the American audience which soon after becomes a mere portrayal of stereotypes when aired. Even minorities that construct an important segment of the American social and cultural system struggle with their representation in Hollywood which gives a bigger scale of the problematic. The conventionalized consciousness sponsored by Hollywood leans for instance on glorifying the American white man as the supreme human being who could heroically find the ultimate resolution for himself as well as for the others. This would later be taken for granted by the global audience as they try to copy the American perspective to see the world appropriately. As a consequence, these communities lose interest in their own cultural scope as if they were inadequate to keep up with the American version. However, we can say that the nature of American culture was originally built on the basis of a melting pot including different cultures. The cosmopolitan nature of American culture might not be the reason behind altering the world into a replica of the United States, instead United States’ reliance on foreign cultures have made it a replica of the world.

Mots clés: Americanisation; Popular culture; Stereotypes; Minorities; Hollywood; Diversity.

Culturally responsive education as cross-cultural pedagogy for the acquisition of competencies

Llorente Ángel,  Gómez Lucía, 

Résumé: The nexus between family and school is always necessary in the personal development of each student and, consequently, in educational work. However, at times, there are structural, procedural, and emotional difficulties that limit this contact. In the relationship with families of students from diverse cultural backgrounds, some of these difficulties are exacerbated by cultural clashes and a lack of guidance on how to overcome them. This leads to a lack of understanding of the positive effects of such collaboration on the development of students and the community. Culturally Responsive education is a pedagogical approach which facilities and fosters this relationship between school and family. This pedagogy has possibilities to be implemented in different contexts, which means developing a set of competencies needed for a better education process. The purpose of this research has been to identify how culturally relevant education can be a valid, genuine, and legitimate option for exercising cross-cultural pedagogy in the contexts where it is implemented. Additionally, it seeks to thoroughly understand the theoretical aspects of carrying out this practical exercise and thus achieve training in communicative, cross-cultural, social, democratic or organizational competencies that this pedagogy involves and generates. In this way, it promotes better training for teachers, both in service and in education. A scientific research methodology has been used through a critical literature review that allows analyzing the most relevant theoretical aspects to achieve a committed practice of this pedagogy. The research offers different proposals to facilitate the implementation and development of culturally relevant education as cross-cultural pedagogy. The importance of considering the theoretical foundations of this pedagogy and the competencies that can be developed through its implementation in classrooms is highlighted. Therefore, this work focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of how culturally relevant education can improve the relationship between family and school in culturally diverse contexts, emphasizing the importance of theoretical and practical preparation of teachers.

Mots clés: culturally relevant education, cross-cultural pedagogy, teacher training, competencies, culturally diverse contexts


KoÇak Ahmet, 

Résumé: The most important element that provides personal and social communication is language. Although the verbal communication aspect of the language predominates, non-verbal language elements are also at the forefront of communication. In addition to some sounds that cannot be described as words, body language along with gestures and facial expressions, is also called “non-verbal communication”. According to research, “non-verbal communication” is more effective than other language elements in ensuring linguistic understanding. Learning a language as a mother tongue or a foreign language is basically similar but different from each other. The most obvious of these differences emerges when using language in the sociocultural field. Because an individual who communicates in his native language does not experience any hesitation in choosing internalized word meanings or in the use of non-verbal communication elements. So much so that native speakers perform non-verbal communication elements that show emotional states compatible with the meaning of the words used in verbal communication, almost involuntarily, that is, as a reflex. However, the same convenience is not available for those who learn the same language as a foreign language: Foreigners who learn the target language must first choose the word to be used in verbal communication, determine which meaning corresponds to the situation, and then try to add non-verbal communication elements compatible with the context to the word. Some of the non-verbal communication elements can sometimes have meaning on their own, without being added to words, that is, as voice or body language. Some non-verbal communication elements, which may be different from the culture of foreign students learning Turkish, are frequently used in Turkish society. In addition to body language, including gestures and facial expressions, there are also some sounds that contain meaning. Learning these sounds and body language, which are unique to Turks and cannot be described as words, by foreigners learning Turkish, is important in terms of adapting to the sociocultural structure of the society in which they learn the language, as well as knowing the meaning details of the target language. Because knowing some sounds or body language movements that have different meanings or no meaning in the student's own culture will eliminate possible misunderstandings or disagreements. As the foreign student's communication becomes easier, his positive thoughts about the target language increase, it will be easier for him to adapt to the new society he joins without experiencing culture shock. Considering the importance of the communicative approach in foreign language teaching, learning the non-verbal communication elements of the target language should be a priority for language learners.

Mots clés: teaching Turkish ; foreign language ; non-verbal communication

L'image de l'étranger et la dialectique des frontières

احمد زهران مي, 

Résumé: Le travail de recherche que nous envisageons de présenter est un extrait d'une thèse en cours, il pose notamment la question de la notion des frontières dans sa relation avec l'altérité voire la figure de l'étranger. Dans ce travail nous nous proposons de voir comment la traversée des frontières construit-elle différentes figures de l'étranger ? Est-ce les frontières qui créent l'étranger ou bien l'inverse ? Pour ce faire, nous allons avoir recours aux travaux de l'anthropologue Michel Agier qui étudient comment l'individu devient étranger en franchissant les frontières et comment la condition de l’étranger varie selon la nature de celles-ci. Dans son ouvrage L'étranger qui revient, repenser l’hospitalité, il a établi trois relations entre les frontières et la condition de l’étranger :"extériorité", "extranéité" et "étrangeté" dont nous allons nous servir pour notre travail. Outre les théories de Michel Agier, nous nous proposons également, d’avoir recours aux travaux de Paul Ricoeur, Simmel, Alfred Schutz et du philosophe allemand Bernard Waldenfels concernant la figure de l’étranger. D'ailleurs, nous essayerons ainsi d'explorer ce sujet à travers l'analyse des romans constituant notre corpus: Au Pays de Taher Ben Jelloun, Le pays des autres de Leïla Slimani et Sak El Bambou de Saaoud El Sanoussi. The research work we plan to present is an excerpt from an ongoing thesis, it notably raises the question of the concept of borders in its relationship with otherness, even the figure of the stranger. In this work we propose to see how does the crossing of borders construct different figures of the stranger? Is it the borders that create the stranger or the other way around? To do this, we will use the works of anthropologist Michel Agier who studies how the individual becomes a stranger by crossing borders and how the condition of the stranger varies according to the nature of these. In his The Stranger Who Returns, Rethinking Hospitality, he established three relationships between borders and the condition of the stranger: "strangeness", "foreignness" and "exteriority" which we will use for our work. In addition to the theories of Michel Agier, we also propose to resort to the works of Paul Ricoeur, Simmel, Alfred Schutz and German philosopher Bernard Waldenfels regarding the figure of the stranger. Moreover, we will thus try to explore this subject through the analysis of the novels constituting our corpus: Au Pays by Taher Ben Jelloun, Le Pays des Autres by Leïla Slimani and Sak El Bambou by Saaoud El Sanoussi.

Mots clés: Altérité ; frontières ; étranger ; extériorité ; extraneité ; etrangeté ; otherness ; borders ; stranger ; foreignness ; exteriority ; strangeness

The father tongue. Figures of narrators/characters in postcolonial diglossic context

Algeri Véronic, 

الملخص: Abstract (150 words) Our exploration delves into linguistic ideologies in colonial and post-colonial contexts through the analysis of autobiographical narratives by Algerian authors like Assia Djebar, Tassadit Imache, Maïssa Bey, Faïza Guène, and Ahmed Djouder. Their identities are molded by the dual presence of colonial history's languages: French, the colonizer's language, encouraged for success and social ascent, vying with the mother tongue, often dialectal Arabic or Berber. This challenges the concept of a "father tongue," as the mother's tongue evolves naturally, while the father tongue (French) is learned, stable, and associated with assimilation. Examining the diglossic ideology, we unveil representations embedded in the imaginary of these languages. We scrutinize attitudes, prejudices, and opinions leading to intergenerational mother tongue loss, replaced by French, creating a unique metalinguistic consciousness and a polyphonic identity among speakers experiencing a sort of missed bilingualism in the context of contemporary francophone Algerian authors' narrative corpus. اللغة الأب. شخصيات السرد/الشخصيات في سياق ما بعد الاستعمار ثنائي اللغة. استكشافنا يغوص في أيديولوجيات اللغة في سياق الاستعمار وما بعد الاستعمار من خلال تحليل سجلات السيرة الذاتية لكتّاب جزائريين مثل أسيا جبار، تاساديت إيماش، مائيسا بي، فايزة چوين، وأحمد جودر. هوياتهم تشكلت بفعل الوجود المتنافر للغتين في تاريخ الاستعمار: الفرنسية، لغة الاستعماري، تُعلم في المدرسة الفرنسية، وتشجع عليها الشخص الأب كضمان للنجاح المهني والتقدم الاجتماعي، وتتنافس مع لغة الأصول، اللغة العربية الدارجة أو اللغة البربرية أو غيرها، التي غالبًا ما تكون اللغة الوحيدة التي تتقنها الأم. ولهذا السبب، إلى جانب مفهوم اللغة الأم، يصبح من المشروع استجواب فرضية اللغة الأب، إذ في حين تنبع اللغة الأم من عناصر بيولوجية واكتساب طبيعي وغير ثابت، وتستثمر في الرمز الشفوي وتتغير على مدى حياة الشخص، تنتج اللغة الأب، أي اللغة الفرنسية، بفعل تعلم مُحَرَّض، وهي ثابتة ومنظمة، وتلتصق بالمجال العام والمؤسساتي، وتتجسد في الكتابات الإدارية، وهي لغة الاندماج ولكن أيضاً للهوية والاستبعاد الاجتماعي. من أجل تحديد العناصر التي تميز التمثيل أو التصوُّر المُسَجل في خيال هاتين اللغتين المتنافستين، نفحص الأيديولوجية الثنائية المنتجة في هذا السياق والتي تمثلت في الكتابات السردية التي تشكل جسم عملنا من قبل الكتّاب الجزائريين المعاصرين الناطقين بالفرنسية. نكشف عن المواقف والتحيزات والآراء التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى انقطاع في نقل اللغة الأم عبر الأجيال واستبدالها باللغة الفرنسية بين الناطقين الذين يعيشون في حالة من التثنية اللغوية الفاشلة ولكنهم يختبرون وعيًا لغويًا ذا طابع خاص يجعل هويتهم متعددة الأصوات.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Linguistic and colonialism ; francophone contemporary literature ; linguistic ideologies ; polyphony ; metalinguistic awareness

Memes: the untranslatability of otherness?

De Brito Maria, 

Résumé: The paper aims to discuss some cultural aspects of translation, particularly the untranslatability of the otherness of memes. What is a meme? It's a humorous picture, sentence, video, or photo spreading rapidly and forming a real phenomenon on the network. So how can we ensure that certain aspects embodied in it, which have to do with local elements rooted in the history, education, and daily life of a given country, are understood by receivers of different latitudes? This is a request for thinking through humor, academia, philosophy, networks, information technology, and effective communication (or less).

Mots clés: meme ; otherness ; translation ; viral ; culture


Faniran Keji Felix, 

Résumé: Nous avons mené une recherche pour déterminer des procédés techniques dans la traduction des certaines revues chrétiennes et autres littératures religieuses. La traduction date essentiellement du temps des Romains. Elle s’appliquait religieusement aux langues classiques, le grec et le latin, mais, par la suite, elle a glissé vers un exercice de comparaison des langues modernes : l’Anglais, le Français, l’Allemand, etc. L’histoire nous montre que le rudiment de traduction procède directement de la Sainte Bible. Ceci est la raison pour laquelle ce sujet est choisi pour être en mesure de refléter la source de la traduction. Considérant la nature de cette étude, nous pensons à une méthode-le corpus qui est l’ensemble de documents religieux. Dans cette étude, nous avons préconisé l’échantillonnage aléatoire parce que nous ne pouvons jamais traiter ou étudier toutes les revues religieuses du monde. Dans cette étude, ayant rassemblé les données, nous rechercherons des procédés techniques mis en œuvre dans la traduction anglais-yorouba. Notre corpus se compose de dix revues chrétiennes et autres littératures religieuses, chaque revue est présentée par un code pour bien faire l’analyse et éviter la répétition. Nous pensons des revues, Réveillez-vous,( RV Juin 2005,2008), La Tour de Garde,( LTG 1982,1984,2004,2008 ), Le Miroir des Femmes Chrétiennes, (MFC 2008) et Les Tracts, ( LT2004, 2005,2008). Après avoir rassemblé nos données, nous pouvons donc décrire et discuter nos résultats, nous avons présenté nos données dans des tableaux à trois colonnes.

Mots clés: Traduction ; procédé technique ; revues chrétienne ; littérature religieuse ; religion


Ba Ndeye, 

Résumé: This article delves into the multilingual dimension of Cheikh Hamidou Kane’s L’Aventure ambiguë (1961), highlighting its significance within Francophone literature from sub-Saharan Africa. While traditional critiques have emphasized the novel’s use of elite French language and themes of cultural collision, this study shifts focus to the linguistic heterogeneity Kane weaves into the narrative. By examining the integration of various languages and literary styles, this paper challenges the perception of the novel’s monolingual nature and underscores the importance of languages beyond French. Drawing on theories of heterolingualism and transpolingualism, the analysis reevaluates Kane’s prose, spotlighting the role of indigenous languages such as Arabic, Peulh, and Wolof. The exploration of plurilingual dynamics in L’Aventure ambiguë aims to deepen our understanding of Francophone literature and its broader implications for postcolonial discourse.

Mots clés: Plurilingualism ; francophone literature ; heterolingualism ; language dynamics ; transpolingualism ; L’Aventure ambiguë