Revue des Sciences Sociales
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 51-62

Algeria, Poverty, Demography, Policy, Population And Development.

Auteurs : Kouaoucii Et Attal Ali Et Djamila .


Life-tables published in Algeria suffer from the bias of the incompleteness of the registration of deaths by vital rates registration system and thus the life expectancy at birth in 2008, as an example, is much higher than the estimates used by international organizations. Algerian statistical services do not use indirect techniques to estimate the coverage rate. This article proposes to take as an example the 2008 life-table and to apply the procedures contained in MORTPAK, a United Nations software to estimate the rates of coverage of deaths by age and to propose a corrected life table. The life expectancy in 2008 for Algeria differs depending on whether we consider data from the National Statistical Office 75.6, the World Bank 73, the World Health Organization 71 or the United Nations 72. Our estimate is 72 years. Proximity with the United Nations is logical, since the correction methods must be very close. Techniques for correcting poor demographic data developed internationally should be used by Algeria to ensure that its population data are in line with the statistics used by researchers at the global level

Mots clés

Life table . MORTPAK. Mortality. Registration rate. Life expectancy