Volume 8, Numéro 14, Pages 108-129

تحكيم الاستثمار ومتطلبات التنمية

الكاتب : محمد عيساوي .


InvestmentarbitrationanddevelopmentrequirementsAbstract: nternational commercial arbitration has become the preferred method for oreign investors to settle disputes with the host countries of their investments. The majority of developing countries have accepted arbitration in ratifying nternational agreements (bilateral and multilateral) , and changing their laws. But the question that arises is: these countries have agreed to arbitration by conviction or obligation under the pressure of globalization and multinational corporations? Should also continue to treat secretly with the arbitration proceedings?or it is time to act with greater transparency to allow different parties (civil society, NGOs...) to participate in the arbitration proceedings because the losses, the Third Worlds, by awards are enormous and affect the economy of these countries.

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