مجلة تنوير للدراسات الأدبية والأنسانية
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 147-154

الحضور الفلسفي اليوناني عند هيجل

الكاتب : ليلى بوسيف .


Abstract: The idea of existence and its origin occupieol, and still occupy the thought of human being, and these since the beginning of humanity in earth until know. The question about the existence is only question of it’s destiny, at the end of its existence, the matter of it let all humanity to take it in to consideration from or since the legends or myths, religions, and philosophy, and also from the beginning of Egyptian myths and India China the creeks and Persian myths, this took place since Jan Paul Sartre passing threw all philosophers like or as Plato, Aristotal, Ibn Rushd, Thomas d’Aquin, Ibn Sina, Reny Descartes and Kent, also Hegel, Heidegger. In his understanding to the existence Heraclitus think that only eternal fighting in which the logo led to control the existence by the flame of fire for ever and it’s let nothing survived after it but only to die / and not die only to survive another time in a new way, and after it’s appear in a new way again to control the existence to lets the elements of existence different and to match each one of it and also to not match and to differ in another time. In this theses there are views of Heraclitus in the existence and in the eternal existence and degree the philosophy of Heraclitus in the existence and there eternal return aver other philosophy in general and over the modern philosophy in specific.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Logs – Fighting – The eternal return – Existence – The absolute – Fire.