الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 105-116

الاسلام واللائكية في الخطاب الفلسفي الفرنسي المعاصر

الكاتب : نابت عبد النور .


This study analyses the nature of the relationship between Islam and secularity in French contemporary philosophical discourse with reference to the ideology of some philosophers such as Alain Renault, Alain Touraine, Luc Ferry, Marcel Gauchet, Pierre Manant, Yves Charles Zarka, Regis debray, Etienne Balibar, Michel Onfray, Alain Badiou. The present work shows the shared views among these philosophers that it is a hard task to reconcile Islam and secularity because of cultural and philosophical reasons.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Islam, secularity, the Contemporary French Philosophical Discourse .