IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 139-150

Electronic Corpora As Very Rich Resource In Text Book Design

Authors : Grazib Mohamed .


"Electronic corpora as very rich resource in textbook design" is an attempt to shed light on the importance of the uses of electronic corpora such as the British National Corpus (BNC) or/and other English corpora in the design of the official English textbooks in English for non-native speakers. Thanks to advanced technology, electronic corpora have become now an important resource in applied linguistics and in textbook design, they present many advantages if compared to the manual and traditional ways to make linguistic investigations. These powerful tools such as the British National corpus (BNC), the American National Corpus (ANC) and other important corpora are freely available on the web, the present results in the form of concordances, collocations, frequencies and word lists that are of great importance to linguists and textbook designers to reach very best results. The study will also focus mainly on the methodology used in order to adopt such powerful tools in the textbook design and the necessary parts needed to be exploited in this process which consists on the design of pedagogical supports for pupils and students in order to learn English as a foreign language.


Corpora, BNC (British National Corpus), applied linguistics, textbook design, word lists, frequencies, concordances and collocations.