مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 617-628

E-governance And Its Relation To The Quality Of Health Services Field Study In The Laghouat Hospital Institution

Authors : Elias Elhannani Farah .


The aim of this paper is to detect the relationship between e-governance with its technical and human dimensions from one hand, and the level of health services quality in laghouat’s hospital with its tangible and intangible components, reliability, responsiveness, guarantee, empathy and tangibles. To explore the whether there is mutual influence between e-governance and health services quality level, and this level of influence and how it could be strengthened in the case of a positive or improved if weak. The study reached the result of significant statistically relationship, and it recommended further in-depth studies in this area.


: e-governance ; health services quality ; human dimension ; Laghouat’s hospital ; , technical dimension ; tangible and intangible dimensions of health services quality.