مجلة الحكمة للدراسات التاريخية
Volume 3, Numéro 6, Pages 140-153

الأمن الغذائي في المغرب الأوسط في العصر الوسيط الدولة الرستمية نموذجا ( 160 -299 ﻫ/ 777 -911 م)

الكاتب : رشيد عبد العزيز .


Food security remains the primary concern of states and peoples. We mean by food security,the State’s ability to provide food for the population through domestic production or through imports.In fact, El Maghrib El Awsat( central Maghrib) knew a remarkable increase in the population, from the 2nd centuryHA / 8 AD, as a result of economic and urban development, which led to the interest in agriculture to provide food for the growing number of the population. Tahert ,the Rustamid capital ,was among the cities that witnessed an increase in the population as a result of its economic boom. The Rustamid governers played an important role in achieving food security through the equitable distribution of wealth, the support of agricultural activity and tax relief for people to motivate them to work, and also through market control by preventing food monopoly to avoid high prices so as not to hurt the poor.Among the achievements of the Rustamid’s policy was the assurance of food security which manifested in the increase in agricultural production of grains and the decrease in their prices ,and eventually meeting the needs of the population.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الأمن الغذائي - المغرب الأوسط - الدولة الرستمية