مجلة الاقتصاد والبيئة
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 251-272

Export Constraints For Algerian Smes: Analysis Of Obstacles Specific To Local Banks

Authors : Gouaich Adda El Hadj . Trari-medjaoui Hocine .


If it is indisputable that the exit of our economy from the dependence of exports outside hydrocarbons is today largely dependent on the number of SMEs present for export and their dynamics in terms of competitiveness, export has many barriers for SMEs. These obstacles are mainly of a financial nature linked in particular to the financing of exports, manifested at the level of Algerian banks. Therefore, this article aims to try to reveal, on a sample of 45 companies, the concrete posture of obstacles encountered by this type of company. We focus on the constraints specific to local banks.


SMEs ; Export ; Funding ; Algerien banks ; Exchange regulations