مجلة الدراسات التاريخية
Volume 25, Numéro 1, Pages 731-746

Human Sciences And Challenges Of The Modern Civilization (role The Historical Knowledge)

Authors : Ahmed Mohamed Al-shehhi .


The preservation of the identity of the nation, its morals, and its heritage is necessitated by the challenges of the times, in order to enhance its immunity, strengthen its components, preserve its unity, empower its strength, and thus the role of the human sciences as a solid base and an antidote that enhances the body's immunity and strengthens its ties, and protects its moral and educational values that shape the ideal generation of the nation. Despite the impact of globalization and modernity on the value system, and the manufacture of the individual's vision as a result of the profound transformations in thinking and behavior patterns, the path of confrontation is only by provoking the mind and human conscience to rise above the challenges of globalization and modernity through moral awareness that does not stop at spreading virtuous values, and to the realization of the mind in order to strengthen the critical spirit and develop the queen of innovation and creativity, in accordance with the softness in the civilizational conflict, which guarantees the mind to preserve its identity and its historical and emotional heritage. In this paper, we will try to analyze the role assigned to the humanities in instilling values, confronting negative phenomena that tempt young people, and destroying values and morals without neglecting to benefit from the positives of this material civilization.


Human sciences – Western Civilization –Historical Knowledge - Morals –Identity - Globalization