مجلة النمو الاقتصادي والمقاولاتية
Volume 6, Numéro 3, Pages 97-110

Cameg-sonalgaz- Mascara واقع المسار الوظيفي في المؤسسات العمومية الاقتصادية الجزائرية وعلاقته بالصحة النفسية - دراسة ميدانية بمؤسسة

الكاتب : مصطفاوي عمر الفاروق . المسوس يعقوب .


The study aimed to identify the reality of the career path in public economic institutions, as well as the status of mental health of employees and the underlying relationship between the two. It also sought to determine the extent of the impact of career path dimensions, including performance evaluation, training, and promotion, on the presence or absence of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms, in order to enhance mental health in the work environment for improved performance and productivity. This study was conducted on a sample of 30 employees from the CAMEG-SONLGAZ - Mascara . The descriptive method was followed in the study, and the results revealed the following: - Human resources professionals rely on performance evaluation, training, and promotion in managing the career path of employees within the institution to a moderate extent. - Employees of the institution experience psychological disturbances such as depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms to a moderate extent. - There is a relationship between the career path and the mental health of employees of CAMEG-SONLGAZ -Mascara.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Career Path ; Mental Health ; Depression ; Performance ; Evaluation ; Promotion