Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 378-388

الخيال و المعنى الأدبي و الإستعارة في منهج النقد اللغوي

الكاتب : قدور إبراهيم محمد .


Mustafa nasifis one of the leaders of linguistic criticism in the arabic literary criticism. He deals with technical principles in analysis on which this approach dependa such as imagination, meaning literary and metaphor. He refersto his position in arabic literary criticism that production of poetry and his vision of imagination was a short sight effectivness, sothey linkedit to naive concept that were not worthy of being artistically important. They were also impressed by the place of simile to an exaggerated extent which made them considerit as the best proof of poeticism. They did not know that the meaningis a living organic structure, and itis a framework, not an individual attributes. With regard to metaphor, he did not see the quality of the poet's inner which did not lead to further study. In the light claim, we want to know the position of the critic in arabic criticism towards these technical pricipals and how he tries to make them as mean of perception which has enormous richness and we question him on several issues to reveal a lot of matters related to our arabic literary criticism.

الكلمات المفتاحية

imagination-literarymeaning- metaphor-semantics-poeticism-literary- criticism.