Volume 1, Numéro 19, Pages 15-32

Spelling Errors Of The Language Transfer And Cultural Origins Among Beginner Algerian Efl Learners In Writing

Authors : . Zahir & Dr. Ahouari . Nadia Idri .


Our focus in this paper is put on spelling errors of the language transfer origin first year LMD students of English commit while writing. There is no doubt that beginner learners of English face many of the problems in writing; an issue which makes instructors worried. Hence, the objective behind is to determine the kind of errors students make as a primary stage basing our observation on the students’ writings when responding to our activities in the classroom during our classes. Then, we need to specify the mistakes to spelling errors of true friends with the French language as a more specific issue making the core of the secondary stage of the present research. Such kinds of errors are due to language transfer caused by the good knowledge our students have on the French language and culture. For these objectives, we have stated two hypotheses. For the first hypothesis, dictations that contain 34 true friends helped us classify the most recurring errors in spelling putting focus on the French influence (the psychological basis of Error Analysis). Taking the Algerian context in general and the case of Bejaia in particular makes the idea of this issue broad. In other words, learners are more likely to confuse between the use of English and other languages they master better. It is not a mere native language, but a mixture of Berber as a native language, Arabic as an academic and official language and French as a second language; hence, a real multicultural context. Our problem is, then, limited to the language mostly similar to English; that is French. In this case, we used two dictations containing thirty four true friends. Finally, we used a semi-structured interview with six teachers to construct the recommendations for classroom practice as concerns spelling. Here, the inclusion of spelling in teaching to improve the learners’ writing was strongly recommended.


,cultural origins,Spelling errors,language transfer