الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 15, Numéro 2, Pages 198-205

Exploring The Efficacy Of Ict Training In The Use Of Distance Learning

Authors : Oumelaz Sihem .


The aim of this article is to provide a descriptive study of teachers’ attitudes towards the implementation of ICT training and its impact on mastering the skills of distance learning. To achieve this objective, teachers’ questionnaire was carried out among newly recruited teachers who were exposed to this type of training. The questionnaire which was conducted at Skikda university precisely seeks to reveal if ICT training was properly implemented. The analysis of the questionnaire revealed that, to some extent, the participants showed positive attitudes towards ICT training, but they confessed that it still needs more organization and improvement to gain the expected outcomes. The study therefore provides some pedagogical implications to spot light on the major shortcomings of ICT training directed to the newly recruited teachers.


distance learning ; , ICT training, ; innovation in pedagogy, ; teachers’ questionnaire