Management and social perspectives
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 06-18

Availability And Utilization Of Tools And Equipment For The Effective Teaching And Learning Of Business Studies At Junior Secondary Schools In Makurdi Local Government Area Of Benue State, Nigeria

Authors : Samuel Amu .


Abstract This study examined the availability and utilization of tools and equipment for the effective teaching and learning of Business Studies at junior secondary schools in Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State. Three specific objectives with corresponding research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprises of 40 teachers and 1,600 students in 20 schools. A sample size of 35 teachers and 130 student with a total of 165 teachers and students were selected from the population using purposive, and convenience sampling technique. Instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire titled "Questionnaire for Availability and Utilization of tools and equipment for the Effective Teaching and Learning of Business Studies (QAUETETLBS)" The Questionnaire was validated by experts and reliability was established using Cranbach Coefficient Alpha Method which yielded a coefficient of 0.79. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and mean for answering research questions. The finding of the study revealed that tools and equipment available are grossly inadequate in the teaching and learning of business studies, also there is high use of available equipment for the teaching and learning of Business Studies at junior secondary school and there are strategies for improving the supply, teaching and maintenance of tools and equipment by teachers and students at junior secondary schools for the effective teaching and learning of Business Studies. The study therefore concluded that tools and equipment for the teaching and learning business studies in Makurdi Local Government are grossly inadequate and unavailable but the few available ones are highly utilized in most schools. The study recommends that Government/school owners should equip secondary schools with modern equipment and tools as recommended for teaching and learning, also schools should organize trainings to update the knowledge of teachers for the effective use of available tools and equipment and consumables in schools and schools should ensure proper monitoring and supervision and maintenance of available tools and equipments.


Availability, Utilization, Tools and Equipment, Business Studies