مجلة الاقتصاد و التنمية البشرية
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 471-484

Cybersecurity Challenges In Algeria: A Comparative Study With Morocco

Authors : Menasri Ahmed .


The issue of cybersecurity is urgent and faces many obstacles, particularly for countries. Despite this, it has captured the interest of the academic community, leading to the development of a knowledge-based framework that facilitates decision-making for finding solutions and opportunities at an empirical level. Algeria has adopted the use of electronic management and cyberspace, necessitating the adoption of security reforms and strategies to ensure its cybersecurity, particularly given Morocco's development in this field. To keep up, Algeria can take several actions, such as developing a comprehensive strategy, investing in infrastructure, providing vocational training, establishing partnerships, implementing laws, testing measures, and updating them regularly.


Cybersecurity ; Algerian strategy ; Contemporary security challenges ; Comprehensive strategy.

Cybersecurity In Africa Challenges And Measures

Dehbi Abdelhakim . 
pages 1051-1064.