مجلة الواحات للبحوث و الدراسات
Volume 16, Numéro 1, Pages 920-934
Authors : Boussafsaf Zoubir .
This study aimed to evaluate depressive symptoms in 56 women exposed to marital violence and to explore their distribution according to socioeconomic variables and types of marital violence. Depressive symptoms were assessed using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)-II. Semi-structured interview was used to collect information about socio-demographics characteristics, types of violence experienced and the onset of marital violence. Findings showed that 58.92% of the women of our sample were severely depressed. Furthermore, the severity of depression symptoms was higher in women who experienced both physical and psychological violence, housewives and women with a high school level. Those results emphasize the impact of marital violence as a risk factor for depression.
Depressive symptoms ; Depression ; Marital violence ; Women ; Algeria
بن مجاهد فاطمة الزهراء
حمو علي خديجة
ص 339-350.
حنوس إبتسام
بوخريسة بوبكر
ص 510-526.
حنوس إبتسام
بوخرسة بوبكر
ص 174-193.
العلواني مريم
زناد دليلة
ص 25-39.