مجلة الشامل للعلوم التربوية والاجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 212-235

برامج التكوين المهني بالجزائر بين المقاربات النظرية و الممارسات التطبيقية/دراسة ميدانية بمركز التكوين المهني و التمهين البوني - ولاية عنابة أنموذجا -

الكاتب : شريفي صورية .


ملخص : يعتبر التكوين المهني في الجزائر من بين القطاعات التي تحمل أهية كبيرة كونه يساهم في دفع عجلة الإقتصاد من جهة و تنمية الفرد و المجتمع من جهة أخرى ، و ذلك من خلال الإستثمار في الرأس المال البشري و توفير اليد العاملة المؤهلة التي تحتاجها باقي القطاعات بمختلف مجالاتها إقتصادية كانت أو إدارية أو خدماتية. إن البرامج التكوينية لقطاع التكوين المهني هي الأداة الأكثر مرجعية في تطبيق سياسة القطاع من خلال تطبيق إكساب المتكونين الكفاءات و المهارات اللازمة التي تساعدهم للإندماج في عالم الشغل و جعلهم أفرادا فاعلين في المجتمع المدني . إختلفت الأسس و النظريات التي بنيت على أساسها برامج التكوين المهني و كذا المرجعيات البيداغوجية التي تنطلق من خلالها ، تبنت وزارة التكوين و التعليم المهنيين بالجزائر مؤخرا المقاربة بالكفاءات في بناء البرامج التكوينية و تطويرها لكي تتماشى مخرجاتها مع متطلبات سوق العمل و هذا ما تهدف سياسة قطاع التكوين المهني بالجزائر، فما مدى نجاح هذه المقاربة من خلال المرجعيات النطرية و الممارسات التطبيقية لها على أرض الواقع ؟ Abstract: : Vocational training in Algeria is among the sectors of great importance as it contributes to advancing the economy on the one hand and the development of the individual and society on the other hand, through investing in human capital and providing qualified labor that is needed by the rest of the sectors in various economic fields. be it administrative or service. The training programs for the vocational training sector are the most reference tool in applying the sector’s policy through the application of providing the trainees with the necessary competencies and skills that will help them to integrate into the world of work and make them active members of civil society. The foundations and theories on which the vocational training programs were built, as well as the pedagogical references through which they are based, differed. The Ministry of Professional Training and Education in Algeria has recently : Vocational training in Algeria is among the sectors of great importance as it contributes to advancing the economy on the one hand and the development of the individual and society on the other hand, through investing in human capital and providing qualified labor that is needed by the rest of the sectors in various economic fields. be it administrative or service. The training programs for the vocational training sector are the most reference tool in applying the sector’s policy through the application of providing the trainees with the necessary competencies and skills that will help them to integrate into the world of work and make them active members of civil society. The foundations and theories on which the vocational training programs were built, as well as the pedagogical references through which they are based, differed. The Ministry of Professional Training and Education in Algeria has recently adopted the competency approach in building and developing training programs so that their outputs are in line with the requirements of the labor market, and this is what the policy of the training sector aims to professional in Algeria, how successful is this approach through theoretical references and their practical practices on the ground? the competency approach in building and developing training programs so that their outputs are in line with the requirements of the labor market, and this is what the policy of the training sector aims to professional in Algeria, how successful is this approach through theoretical references and their practical practices on the ground?

الكلمات المفتاحية

برامج التكوين المهني ; المقاربات النظرية ; الممارسات التطبيقية