Journal Algérien des Régions Arides
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 101-110

Experimental Study Of A New Powerful Solar Water Heater

Authors : Diaf Abderrahmane . Benabdelaziz Ferhat Kamel .


This study presents a new flat solar heater characterized by a heating power which is considerably higher than that of existing flat systems. The first solar water heater, so-called the “hot box”, was introduced in the late 19th century as a green invention to save on household energy bills. Later on, many other variations of the solar heater entered the market. This work describes the design details and experimental performance data of a new flat solar heater that is simple, cost com-petitive and capable of delivering a heating power three times higher than that of the currently commercialized conventional systems.


solar heater ; water heater ; solar collector