Recueil de mécanique
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 637-656

Improving The Operational Efficiency Of Marine High-speed Diesel Engines

Authors : Kargin Sergey . Polukhin Pavel . Dorokhov Pavel .


In the course of the research, a comparative analysis of the operating parameters of high-speed ship diesel engines, including cost ones, was carried out. The technical characteristics of the ship's high-speed diesel engines of domestic production are analyzed, as well as the directions of their modernization are proposed, including structural measures and ways of organizing work processes for various variants of combustion chambers, variants of execution (main, auxiliary). The method of calculating the power of the main engine of the vessel on the basis of valid indicator diagrams is proposed. The calculation method is proposed and the concept of the economic efficiency coefficient of a ship's small-sized diesel engine is introduced. A method for assessing the quality of marine diesel engines is proposed, as well as a method for calculating the cost of diesel based on its main functional indicators. The ways of modernization of marine high-speed diesel engines are determined.


Marine diesels ; , calculation methods ; engine cost ; economic efficiency ; diesel quality ; power calculation ; modernization of marine high-speed diesels