دراسات وأبحاث
Volume 14, Numéro 4, Pages 194-210

النص الحلاجي: تراث يزاحم نصوص الحداثة-مقاربة نقدية-

الكاتب : سديرة فواز . صوالح نصيرة .


يختلف الدارسون في تقييمهم للنص الحلاجي فمنهم القائل ببعده عن عيار الجمال الشعري، الجازم بغموض ما بُث في تضاعيفه من أفكار ومعان، ومنهم المعجَب بشعريته القائل بحداثته السابقة لراهننا بعشرة قرون. والثابت أن الباحث في المدونة الصوفية القديمة، يجد بأن الحياة لم تُكتب لنص صوفي بقدر ما كُتبت لنصوص الحلاج و آثاره، مما يجعل الواحد فينا يتساءل عن سر البقاء الذي امتلكه الحلاج و فقده غيره ، يتساءل عن هذه الشخصية التي كان نتاجها الأدبي في يوم من الأيام خروجا عن المألوف، ثم صارت في العصر الحديث قناعا يتدثره الشعراء كلما راموا التعبير عن مواجدهم، هذا البحث سيكشف السر الذي ميّز الكتابة الحلاجية عن غيرها من الكتابات الأدبية، وجعلها تزاحم نصوص الحداثة، وتحدث سجالا نقديا لا يزال يتجدد حتى يومنا هذا، والطواسين عينة من إبداع الحلاج تكاد نتائج دراستها تنسحب على باقي نتاجه الأدبي. Abstract: Scholars disagree in their assessment of Hallajian texts. Some claim that they’re lacking in poetic aesthetics; asserting that ambiguity plagues the ideas and meanings in his writing. There are those, however, who are fond of his poetry, deeming him a modernist ten centuries before modernism. Any researcher looking into old Sufi writings knows that other Sufi writings did not enjoy longevity as much as El-Hallaj. The question, therefore, is why El-Hallaj’s work maintained longevity while others fell short. This man, whose literature was deemed a rebellion and a deviation from the ordinary, became a reference for poets seeking to express their deepest feelings and desires. This research unveils what sets apart Hallajian writings and allows them to compete with modernist texts; causing a discussion in literary criticism to this day.Kitāb al-Tawāsīnis a testimony to his creativity, and studying it, is entirely different from his other literary contributions. Abstract: Scholars disagree in their assessment of Hallajian texts. Some claim that they’re lacking in poetic aesthetics; asserting that ambiguity plagues the ideas and meanings in his writing. There are those, however, who are fond of his poetry, deeming him a modernist ten centuries before modernism. Any researcher looking into old Sufi writings knows that other Sufi writings did not enjoy longevity as much as El-Hallaj. The question, therefore, is why El-Hallaj’s work maintained longevity while others fell short. This man, whose literature was deemed a rebellion and a deviation from the ordinary, became a reference for poets seeking to express their deepest feelings and desires. This research unveils what sets apart Hallajian writings and allows them to compete with modernist texts; causing a discussion in literary criticism to this day.Kitāb al-Tawāsīnis a testimony to his creativity, and studying it, is entirely different from his other literary contributions.

الكلمات المفتاحية

كلمات مفتاحية: الحلاج؛ الصوفية؛ الحداثة؛ النص؛ الكتابة؛ الشعرية؛ طاسين ; Keywords: El-Hallaj; Sufism; Modernism; Text; Writing; Poetic; Kitāb al-Tawāsīn