دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 46-59

Co-operative Behaviour In Mentally Handicaped Children: An Analysis Of Age And Sex Differences

Authors : F . Zouira .


The present study uses an age ranging from childhood to adolecence and studies another aspect of prosocial behaviour (i.e cooperation). None of the subjects is asked to cooperate or promised a reward if he does so. Likewise, the effect of sex is investigated. Results on co-operative behaviour in the whole sample, showed that sex had no significant effect on the child's prosocial behaviour. Likewise, but contrary, to the experimenter's expectations, age did not affect signicantly the child's prosocial behaviour (co-operation). In addition although turn taking seemed to be the most shown by subjects, when data were treated statistically either in the whole sample or just part of it, results concerning age and sex were not significant. To summarise to this point, it could be said that the only significant findings are in the first analysis which showed that age but not sex, had a significant effect on subject's co-operative behaviour in making the shopping bags. The findings concerning the age effect showed that young subjects (6-12 yrs) were more co-operative than older ones (13-18 yrs). A part from this, age and sex effects did not reach significance despite the difference in the means concerning the age effect and showing the young more co-operative than the old.


Co-operative behaviour ; mentally handicaped children